Any agricultural cooperative that accepts the Statute, goals and tasks of MAAC can be a member of MAAC.
The status of members of MAAC on an equal basis is held by the agricultural cooperatives that established MAAC and all other agricultural cooperatives that join the Association under conditions and in a manner regulated by the Statute of MAAC. The members of MAAC are equal in the realization of their rights and obligations and MAAC respects their autonomy and independence.
The representatives of the agricultural cooperatives can be elected and can elect representatives in the bodies of the Association.
Non-cooperative organizations and other legal and natural persons of interest can acquire the status of associate members of the Association.
Non-affiliated organizations may not perform the function of management in the Association.
The Management board with a special act determines the conditions for acquiring the status of associate member and the type and content of the realization of that status, as well as the amount of the membership fee that they have to pay for the realization of the function of MAAC.
Persons with limited business responsibility or persons who have been deprived of legal capacity may be members of MAAC by giving a signed statement of consent to its legal representative for membership in accordance with law.
To become a member, those interested should submit an application after which their application will be reviewed by the Management board of MAAC, and entry into membership is by signing an application form approved by the MB.
MAAC members and associate members pay an annual membership fee. MAAC members and associate members pay an annual membership fee in the amount of 3.500 Mkd.
At the moment, members of MAAC are representatives of agricultural cooperatives from all 8 planning regions in the Republic of North Macedonia from different sectors. Membership in MAAC is on a voluntary basis and it can be composed of representatives of cooperatives, regardless of gender, political, national or religious differences between them. Based on established rules, members pay membership fees, and at the same time they have control and decide on how the organization works. For the purpose of individual and joint development, MAAC establishes a system of continuous and timely exchange of information, education and practical training of members. The association enables and encourages closer and greater cooperation between the members of other cooperatives. By meeting the needs of the members, MAAC also contributes to the development of the communities in which they operate. At the moment MAAC as the only umbrella organization in the Republic of North Macedonia, which includes representatives of 48 registered agricultural cooperatives from all regions and sectors, is the main driver and bearer of the progress of agriculture and rural areas. By meeting the needs of the members, MAAC also contributes to the development of the communities in which the cooperatives operate.